The Asia MTB Series Comes to Brunei

For the first time ever, the Asia MTB Series will be including Brunei in its tour cycle.
At a press conference held at the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism on 13 November 2018, Nuriana Dalela bin Abdullah Dennis of Wonderworks Management Services along with Secretary-General of the Brunei Darussalam Cycling Federation (BDCF), Omar Ali bin Hj Ibrahim, spoke to the media about the Brunei National MTB Championship which will be held at the Berakas Forest Reserve Recreational Park from 30 November to 2 December later this year. The event will be held in conjunction with the Brunei December Festival.
Brunei will be the venue of the 8th round of the Asia MTB Series, after the competition takes place in Kuching and before its last round in Tambunan, Sabah. They are already expecting a number of regional participants to compete, along with local riders.
The UCI-sanctioned event will be divided into two categories: Downhill Event and Cross Country Event. The Downhill Event will have participants racing downhill tracks for the best time, and participants will be able to register in the Men and Women Elite (for those above 17 years of age) categories, or the Men Master category (for 30 years and above, and 40 years and above). For the Cross Country Event, categories are divided into Men and Women Junior (for those 17-18 years of age), Men and Women Elite (for 19 years old and above), and Men Master (for 30 years and 40 years and above).
Cash prizes will be awarded to the winners of each category of the Brunei National MTB Championship.
Registration is open until 28 November 2018, and interested participants may register or find more information at