DST Hands Over Contributions to the COVID-19 Relief Fund

In aiding the nation’s persistent fight against COVID-19 and its impact on the Sultanate, Datastream Digital Sdn Bhd (DST) handed over a BND150,000.00 cheque at the Ministry of Health yesterday as a contribution to the COVID-19 Relief Fund.
Radin Sufri Radin Basiuni, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DST was present to hand over the cheque to Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohd Isham bin Haji Jaafar, the Minister of Health, at the Ministry of Health yesterday.
They also handed over a cheque of BND187,707.00, an amount made possible thanks to the contributions of DST subscribers. Subscribers had contributed through SMS and the MyDST application from 27 March to 16 April 2020, and the large amount was collected from both DST’s postpaid and prepaid subscribers.
Their contribution to the COVID-19 Relief Fund is just a part of the support the telecommunications giant has provided to the Ministry of Health in their fight against COVID-19, which includes providing constant awareness on the importance of being socially responsible and also promoting information on preventive measures against COVID-19 through social media, radio, SMS and MyDST app notifications.
Earlier in the year they had contributed 25 sets of mobiles phones with MOBI sim cards and EASI recharge cards to help in the daily operations of Ministry of Health’s initiatives in combatting COVID-19. 15 routers with connectivity were also deployed to the National Isolation Center (NIC) in Tutong to provide wireless broadband connection for patients as well as command centers, and 1000 cartons of bottled water.
The contributions are part of DST’s commitment and social responsibility to actively support the Ministry of Health in managing the COVID-19 situation in the Sultanate.
DST expresses their deepest appreciation to all DST subscribers for their generous contributions to the COVID-19 Relief Fund.